
Studio for examination, conservation and restoration of polychrome wooden objects and interiors


Lectures and talks


12/07/2024  Decors, materials and techniques of the interior decoration of Emir Abdelkader's houses in Damascus, lecture at the international forum "Hospitality of the Glories of the Nation. The historical, cultural and heritage manifest of the Algerien Emir Abdelkader", Algiers


11/30/2023  Examining and Conserving Painted Interiors in Historic Syrian houses... in-situ and in the museum setting, zoom presentation for International Academic Projects Ltd (IAP) 


11/03/2023  Variety of Materials and Techniques in the Interior Decoration of Domestic Spaces in Damascus between the 18th and 20th centuries – Changes in Taste and Materiality, keynote lecture at the conference at the VITROCENTRE ROMONT "Interiors Reconfigured: Changing Materiality and Craftsmanship in the Decorative Arts of the Middle East and North Africa (18th-20th centuries)"


09/17/2023  The Damascus Room at the Cincinnati Art Museum: a Fascinating Journey to 18th century Damascus, zoom presentation for the Cincinnati Asian Art Society, Taft Museum, Cincinnati


03/03/2023  ‘Damascus Rooms’ in Dresden and Doha: Multifunctional Architectural Spaces in Museum Displays, presented at the Biennial Symposium of HIAA (Historians of Islamic Art Association), The Museum of Fine Arts and Rice University, Houston 


11/03/2022  Brocades, Carpets and Silk Fabrics: Painted Textiles in 18th and 19th century Private Homes in Damascus, presented for The Hajji Baba Club, New York City 


05/31/2022  Insights in two conservation projects of Damascene interiors at museums in Dresden und Doha, presented at the Deutsch-Arabische Gesellschaft e.V. (DAG), Berlin


02/19/2020  Relatives of the Persian Card Room at the Graylyn Estate: 'Damascene Rooms' in Collections Around the World between 1880 and 2020, presented at the Reynolda House Museum of American Art, Winston-Salem


02/18/2020  The Persian Card Room at the Graylyn Estate - Secrets of a Rare Interior from Damascus Revealed, presented at the Reynolda House Museum of American Art, Winston-Salem


11/12/2019  The Berlin Aleppo Room Presented during the concert "The Heart of the Caravan Route" with Ibrahim Keivo, Bassem Hawar, Saad Mahmood Jawad and Thomas Friedländer, Palais im Großen Garten, Dresden


06/13/2019  Damascene Rooms in Europe: Orientalising Creations of Interiors and Authentic Rooms between 1880 and 1930, presented at the workshop "Gezimmertes Morgenland. Orientalische und orientalisierende Holzinterieurs in Mitteleuropa im späten 19. Jahrhundert: Phänomenalität, Materialität, Historizität" (Oriental and Orientalising interiors in late 19th century central Europe), Vienna, Hermesvilla, organized by Maximilian Hartmuth, University of Vienna  


04/24/2019  Brocades, Carpets and Silk Fabrics - Painted Textiles in 18th and 19th Century Private Homes in Damascus presented at the Museum of Islamic Art, Doha


10/27/2018  Brocade, Chintz and Silk fabrics - Painted Textiles in 18th and 19th Century Private Homes in Damascus, presented at the Volkmann meeting, Museum für Islamische Kunst and Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin 


05/19-22/2016  Home Decor and Interior Decoration in 18th century Damascene homes, presented before the concert series of the Tafelmusik Orchestra, Toronto: Tales of Two Cities: The Leipzig-Damascus Coffee House


04/09/2016   Ornate panels from 18th and 19th century Damascene 'ajami interiors: Conservation issues and Western perceptions of the ‘Orient’ revealed, presented at the ICOM-CC conference, Potsdam


10/03/2015  Damascus Rooms: their Decorations and Decorative Techniques, presented at the Study Day: “Introducing Damascus Rooms: The Decorated Interiors of 18th and 19th Century Syria”, Victoria and Albert Museum, London


11/23/2015 Syria - Country and People, presented at the Kleine Galerie Torgau, invited by the Torgauer Kunst- und Kulturverein "Johann Kentmann"


09/13/2015  Conservation of Ajami Rooms, Presented at the Museum of Islamic Art Cairo


06/17/2015  Damascene Interior Decoration - Forgotten Masterpieces of Interior Design, Lunchtime Lecture, Victoria and Albert Museum, London


02/20/2015  Living in mid-19th century Damascus – Insights into Lifestyle of Foreigners and Locals in Damascus‘ Old City, presented at the international Symposium “Studies on Johann Gottfried Wetzstein (1815-1905): Manuscripts, Politics and Oriental Studies”, Staatsbibliothek Berlin


09/30/2014  Damascene Interior Decoration in Bojnice Castle – a Gem of Refined Urban Home Decor and its Original Context, presented at the International Orient-Symposium, Slovak National Museum, Bojnice Castle


04/05/2014  Painted Worlds: Interior decoration in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-century Residences in Damascus, presented as part of the workshop „Empires of the Eye: Ottoman Material Culture and its Place in Birmingham”, Birmingham Museums Trust, Birmingham


03/14/2014  Changing Minds through Sharing Research: the Preservation of Historic Damascene ʿajami Rooms, presented at the 2014 Architectural Paint Research Conference, Stockholm


02/26/2014  Forgotten Jewels of Interior Decoration: The Materials, Techniques and Preservation of historic Reception Rooms from Damascus. Lecture, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles


02/19/2014  Damascene Interiors in Dresden, Honolulu, and New York City, Lecture, Kapi’olani Community College Library, Honolulu, Hawai’i


02/15/2014  Roses and Jasmine, Gold and Lapis Lazuli: The Interior Decoration Program of Private Residences in Syria.  Salon talk at Shangri La, Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art, Honolulu


10/29/2013  Historic Ajami Interiors in Syrian Residences of the 18th & 19th centuries: Research and Conservation, presented at Heritage Wood: Research & Conservation In The 21st Century, ICOM-CC Working Groups joint interim conference, Warsaw


08/31/2013  Syrian Jewels: Damascene Interiors in Context. Salon Talk at Shangri La, Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art, Honolulu


04/28/2013  Historic interior decoration of Damascene 18th/19th c. private homes - complex decoration techniques using a wide variety of materials: stone, plaster, glass, metal, wood, mother-of-pearl, polychromy and textiles, presented at the International young academics workshop of the Ernst-Herzfeld-Society, Otto-Friedrichs-University of Bamberg


06/28/2012  Rare treasures of 18th - early 19th century Damascus: Discoveries of originally preserved ‘ajami interiors and glimpses into recent conservation projects. Presented at the symposiumThe Damascus Room in Context: Acquisition, Furnishings and Conservation” , Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art, Shangri La, Honolulu, Hawai’i


09/23/2010  Insight into a sophisticated painting technique - results of an investigation into three polychrome wooden interiors from Ottoman Syria in German collections and field research in Damascus, presented at the IIC Conference Istanbul


10/23/ 2008  Damascene interiors in the Western world, its history, painting technique and conservation, presented at the Annual meeting of the Advisory Board of the Danish Institute Damascus, Damascus


09/26/2008  Ajami Rooms - Polychrome Wooden Interior Decorations from Syria of the 17th to the 19th Centuries: A View into Art Technology and Conservation Problems, presented at the ICOM-CC Conference, New Delhi:


05/25/2006  Damascene interiors in the Western world, its history, painting technique and conservation, public lecture in Maktab Anbar, Department of Old Damascus, Damascus


05/25/2004  Research and conservation projects of Syrian Ottoman wooden interiors in German collections and in Damascus, presented at the international symposium „Preserving a Sense of Awe, The History and Conservation of Interiors from Ottoman Syria“, Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art, Shangri La, Honolulu, Hawai’i


10/12–18/2003  Historic painting techniques and conservation of the Dresden Damascus Room, presented at the international workshop “Documentation and Restoration in a Middle Eastern Bazaar: The Suq Haraj and its Urban Environment”, Tripoli, Lebanon, organized by Dr. Stefan Weber, Orient-Institute Beirut (OIB) of the “Stiftung Deutsche Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute im Ausland" ("Foundation German Humanities Institutes Abroad")


04/12–14/2002 Examination results on the historic painting technique and conservation project of the Dresden Damascus Room. Presented at the international symposium of the Museum for Islamic Art Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, "The Berlin Aleppo Room"